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From BioArchLinux Wiki

Todo List

All the todo list for this repository is fixed at Projects. For contributing to new packages, see packages todo list, the in progress column shows the packages which are needed to be fixed, and the todo list column contains the packages which are needed to build and update to this repository. For fixing the bugs, see the bug todo list, the issues reporting bugs will be moved to the todo column of this project.

Pull Request

For contributing to this repository, we would like to invite you as a member of this organization. About the details, see the English contribution guide or the Chinese contribution guide.


When you meet some difficulty in writing PKGBUILD, lilac.yaml and so on. There are two web pages that you could find help, one is bbs.archlinux.org and another is our discussions.

Periodical Flags

When almost all packages are uploaded and fixed, the periodical flags would help this community work better. Some potential flags will be listed on the discussions and users can comment on it. After merging some comments, the team can publish announcements on discussions to show the tasks plan.


rsync -rtlivH bioarchlinux.org::sync/ destdir 

Bug Reports & Package Request

For bug reports, just posts some issues with a detailed output log and give us detailed information of your working environment, we will fix it. It’s almost the same as the request, give details about the packages information following the template.